29 April 2008

Thunder Over Louisville 2008

Originally uploaded by kaiju_images
Here's a lesson on trusting your gut when doing a photo shoot.

I spent the day in Louisville during Thunder Over Louisville which is the opening of Derby month. There was an airshow followed by a huge fireworks display. I had Googled online to find information on how to shoot fast jets and other aircraft. The recommendations were to shoot at 1/1000th or faster at f/8. Those settings would be able to stop the jets going at speed.

One problem, the weather was not cooperating. The sky was extremely overcast. Doing a check of the light situation I found that I was not going to be able to get those speeds without boosting the ISO to 800. I really hate shooting at higher than ISO400 especially on days like that. Combine that with my poor choice of using a 2x teleconvertor, and I really had pushed myself into a bad lighting situation.

"What the hey," I thought, "I can always fix any problems in Photoshop." I should have listened to my gut that was telling me not to use the teleconvertor and just go with the 70-300mm zoom and set the ISO to 400. Instead I used the teleconvertor, boosted my ISO to 800 and shot away.

As you can see from the photos, shooting gray jets on a gray overcast sky sucks to begin with and I had to compound it with my poor choices. If I had gone with my gut I wouldn't have lost 2 stops of light.

Lesson learned.

27 April 2008

BotCon 2008

Live Autobots
Originally uploaded by kaiju_images
Thought I'd throw some quick photos from BotCon 2008 up for you folks. For those of you that don't know what BotCon is (and I confess I had not heard of it until this last week) it is a convention for all things concerning Transformers.

I took my son and one of his friends to it and of course they had a blast. Not that I didn't, mind you. Being the big kid in heart I couldn't help but have fond memories when I saw the old school Transformers, from Megatron (when it was OK for him to be a gun) to the Insecticons & Constructicons.

As much of a fan of Japanese anime that I am and the new live action movie, I much rather prefer the old 80's versions of the Transformers. It's just not the same now. If you ever get a chance to watch one of the 80's Transformers movies, do it, along with any of the kids you may have. Show them part of your childhood. You'll both appreciate it.

24 April 2008

Starting it out

I figure I would start this blog with a little humor. This is also a good example of being in the right place at the right time and being ready for the shot.

I was shooting photos for a friend's party and they wanted to get the horses out and give the kids rides. This horse decided it had to take a bathroom break. The composition with the boy looking back with the look like "Did I spring a leak?" makes the photo.
This photo would have been better in a vertical format, but it was a matter of getting the shot in focus and shooting it.
Pentax K100D Super
Pentax DA 18-15mm Zoom
200 ISO 1/125 sec @ f/5.6
Conditions-Outdoors, Overcast w/ clouds